
Do lizards eat ice-cream?

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  • What does an elephant use as a fan?
    They use their ears
  • Find me something that can protect you from the sun. You have 10 seconds! Go!
    Awesome! Good idea
  • What do koalas hug to stay cool?
    They hug trees!
  • Who takes long naps? Sam, Harper, Lucia or lungfish?
    Lungfish! Sometimes they sleep for 2 years.
  • Do you prefer hot weather, like summer, or cold weather, like winter? Why?
    That's cool
  • What are 4 things Harper would like to put into her crazy soup?
    She told us so many things - I'm glad you remember some of them!
  • Desert ants don't have air-conditioners, so they use their long...
  • Are you a dog-person or a cat-person? Why?
    Personally, I'm a cat person. But I also like dogs.
  • Do kangaroos wear sunhats?
    No! They lick their fur to stay cool
  • Do squirrels carry umbrellas?
    Yes! They use their tails as umbrellas to protect themselves from the sun
  • Do lizards eat ice-cream?
    No, they dance!
  • How many pairs of shoes does Harper have?
    I think it's 5. Is that right Harper?
  • Which colour is best to help you cool down: black or white?
    White! Just like seagulls!
  • What is Lucia's favourite drink?
    Mango juice!
  • What animal has eyes in the shape of keyholes?
    Alligators and crocodiles. It helps them with seeing in the bright sun
  • Which green animal uses a kind of sunscreen?
    Frogs! They make it themselves
  • If you could change your hair colour to any colour, which colour would you like? Why?
    Well, anything is better than green!
  • Which of the animals in the book would make the best pet?
    Up to you! I think a squirrel would be pretty cool
  • Who do you know that wears glasses?
    I know lots of people, like... my sister, my teacher, my mum, my uncle... so many!