
English 2 (2018) Unit 20

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  • Which is the (most expensive/expensiviest) hotel in your city or country? Please choose the best option and answer the question.
    The most expensive/The most expensive hotel is..........
  • Could you bring to us some coffee?. This sentence is correct or incorrect.
    Incorrect/What do you ask to be brought to you?
  • Don’t forget your umbrella! It (/may/should/shouldn’t) rain later today. Please choose the best answer.
    It may..../May it rain today?
  • I like my steak cooked completely. I like my steak _____________. Please finish the sentence.
    Well done/Do you like your steak well done?
  • You should pack a sweater or jacket ___________ the weather is cool.
    In case/What do you pack when the weather is cold?
  • Antonio’s is noisier than the Lafayette. (quiet) → Antonio’s ............... the Lafayette. Please complete the sentence.
    Antonio's Isn't as quiet as..../Please compare two of your favorite restaurants.
  • There (were too many/were too much/weren’t enough) people on the first bus. They had to wait for the next one. Please choose the best answer.
    There were too many..../What do you do when there are too many people in your favorite restaurant.
  • What don't you feel like drinking today? Please answer the question.
    I don't feel like drinking......
  • What are you going to do tonight? Please choose the best answer.
    I am going to........
  • KFC chicken is baked. This sentence is correct or incorrect.
    Incorrect, fried/Do you like fried chicken?
  • The Goldcrest Hotel isn’t the smallest hotel in the city; it’s the (bigger than/biggest).
    Biggest/Which is the biggest hotel in your city/country?
  • I __________ steak, but I ____________ pizza. Please put the following in the correct place (would like/like).
    I like steak, but I would like pizza.
  • I would like to (save/book/reservate) a table for 10. Please choose the best answer.
    Book a table/Did you ever book a table? What was it for?
  • You should leave cash in your hotel room. This sentence is correct or incorrect.
    Incorrect. You shouldn't leave cash in your hotel room/What have you left at your hotel room?
  • You packed three tubes of toothpaste? That’s (too many/too much/not enough) toothpaste!
    Too much/Do you always use too much or not enough toothpase?
  • what / airport / are / fly into ? → Please use going to and answer the question.
    What airport are you going to fly into?/I am going to fly into......
  • Which restaurant is (as good/delicious as) your favorite restaurant? Please answer the question.
    ........ is as good/delicious as my favorite restaurant.
  • I’ll send the supervisors or (them/to them/their) the bill today. Please choose the best answer.
    Them/What have you sent your parents?
  • He only took $50 in cash? That’s (too many/too much/not enough) for six day vacaiton. Please chooe the best answer.
    Not enough/How much money do you take when you travel?
  • McDonalds is good and Burger King is good. Please compare both restautants.
    McDonalds is as good as Burger King/Do you agree or disagree with this statement?
  • I told (she/her) to come back. Please choose the answer.
    I told her..../What did you tell your mom or sister?
  • What do you feel like eating right now?
    I feel like eating.....