
Future simple WILL

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  • Daniel  ___________ English today. (study)
    will study
  • The bus ________ in 5 minutes. (arrive)
    will arrive
  • It _________ tomorrow. (not rain)
    won´t rain / will not rain
  • I think I _________ sushi or lunch. (eat)
    will eat
  • I think my sister _________ how to play the piano. (learn)
    will learn
  • I ________ to Europe next year. (travel)
    will travel
  • Monica _________ a teacher when she grows up. (be)
    will be
  • My brother _________ how to play the piano. (not learn)
    won´t learn
  • I ________ to America next year.(not / travel)
    won´t travel / will not travel
  •  I ________ fishing tomorrow. (go)
    will go
  • I think Marina __________ a selfie when she gets to the party.
    will take