
Mental Health

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  • The first step in the decision making process.
    State the Situation
  • The ability to imagine and understand how someone else feels.
  • Under the guidance and supervision of a family headed up by parents or a parent who is not related to the child by birth.
    Foster Care
  • A psychological illness characterized by extreme mood swings between depression and extreme happiness, or mania.
    bipolar depression
  • The second stage in the stress response when the body tries to repair its damage from the stressful event and return to its normal state.
    Resistance Stage
  • A failure to provide a child's physical or emotional needs.
  • A pattern of behavior that attacks a child's emotional development and sense of self-worth.
    Emotional Abuse
  • Negative Sress.
  • The putting off of the most intense stages of grief.
  • A ranked list of those needs essential to human growth and development presented in ascending order from basic to most fulfilling or satisfying.
    Hierarchy of needs
  • The ability to adapt and recover from disappointment, difficulty, or crisis.
  • The first stage in the stress response when the body and mind go on high alert.
    Alarm Stage
  • Therapy to restore health relationships in a family.
    family counseling
  • Domestic abuse directed at a child.
    Child Abuse
  • Transferring or redirecting your energy.
  • Being used for someone else's benefit.
  • The most important step in the decision making process.
    Evaluate the decision.
  • Any stimulus that produces a stress response.
  • A formal or informal gathering of people who meet and share experiences, feelings and trust.
    support group
  • Feelings or helplessness, hopelessness and sadness.
  • Positive Stress.
  • Strategies used to deal with strong or stressful emotions and situations.
    Defense Mechanisms
  • A person who helps others resolve issues to the satisfaction of both parties.
  • The body and mind's reaction to everyday demands...
  • Any acts of violence involving family members.
    Domestic Violence