
Simple Maths in english

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  • What is this?
    this is the equals sign
  • What are these?
    These are even numbers
  • How many coconuts does he have?
    He has 3 coconuts.
  • how many rulers do you have ?
    I have 2 rulers.
  • How many pens does he have?
    He has 6 pens.
  • What are these?
    These are odd numbers.
  • how many backpacks does she have?
    She has 2 backpacks
  • How many apples does he have?
    He has 8 apples.
  • What is this?
    This is the plus sign
  • How many notebooks do you have?
    I have 2 notebooks
  • How many hats does he have ?
    He has 3 hats.
  • How many bananas does she have
    She has 6 bananas.
  • How many flowers do you have ?
    I have 5 flowers.
  • 10 + 4 = ?
    10 + 4 = 14 
  • How many backpacks do you have ?
    I have 1 backpack.
  • How many pencils does he have?
    He has 9 pencils
  • 5 + 2 = ?
    5 + 2 = 7
  • How many erasers does he have?
    He has 3 erasers
  • How many pens do you have?
    I have 7 pens
  • How many oranges does she have ?
    She has 9 oranges.
  • How rulers does she have
    She has 5 rulers
  • how many pencils does she have?
    She has 9 pencils
  • How many pencils does she have ?
    She has 4 pencils