
First Day Scavenger Hunt

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  • When is it ok to have your MacBook or Chromebook open?
    When Mrs. Sorrell says to have it opened.
  • When Mrs. Sorrell catches me doing good in class, what is the reward?
    Raffle tickets
  • Why is it important to respect each other?
    prevent fights, prevent drama, be a decent person
  • How should we be talking to one another?
  • How long do you have on a bathroom pass to be out of the room?
    3 minutes
  • If a visitor like Mrs. Buggs enters the room, how do we behave?
    Best behavior, if you are sitting in a chair by itself, offer Mrs. Buggs or the visitor the chair and move to your desk.
  • How much % of your grade are tests?
  • What is an example of a student “being in the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing”?
    being in class on time, doing all work on time, going only where a pass says to go, not fighting...
  • How do you walk in a line?
    single file and quiet
  • If you get your phone out, and it is past the second offense, what is the consequence?
    It is taken to the office where your parent/guardian has to pick it up.
  • What is this class about?
    civics, government, economics
  • How much % of your grade is classwork?
  • If you get your phone out and it is the third offense, what is the consequence?
    It goes to the office.
  • What picture should I bring to put on our family wall?
    any picture of you, your family, or things that your family loves to do, eat, or see.
  • Where are you expected to sit?
    In your assigned seat
  • Who is responsible for finding out what you missed when absent?
  • When is it ok to have your phone out?
  • How should you enter the room?
    greet the teacher, quickly find your seat, start the Bell Ringer
  • What supplies do you need for this class?
    binder, folder, dividers, pencils or pens, earbuds