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  • astraphobia
    astraphobia = fear of thunder and lightning
  • autophobia
    autophobia = fear of being alone
  • arachnophobia
    arachnophobia = fear of spiders
  • onomatophobia
    onomatophobia = fear of names
  • aerophobia
    aerophobia = fear of flying
  • claustrophobia
    claustrophobia = fear of confined, small or crowded spaces
  • ophidiophobia
    ophidiophobia = fear of snakes
  • pogonophobia
    pogonophobia = fear of beards
  • zoophobia
    zoophobia = fear of animals
  • cryophobia
    cryophobia = fear of ice or cold
  • nephophobia
    nephophobia = fear of clouds
  • hemophobia
    hemophobia = fear of blood
  • hydrophobia
    hydrophobia = fear of water
  • alektorophobia
    alektorophobia = fear of chickens
  • acrophobia
    acrophobia = fear of heights