
Days, Months, Seasons

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  • What is the first day of the week?
    Sunday is the first day of the week.
  • What are the days of the week?
    Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
  • What day of the week is it today?
  • In what season is February?
    February is in winter.
  • What month is it right now?
  • Days of the week and months of the year begin with _____________ letters.
  • What month comes before June?
    May comes before June.
  • In what season is November?
    November is in fall.
  • What is the last day of the week?
    Saturday is the last day of the week.
  • How many season are there in a year?
    there are four seasons in a year.
  • What is the weather like in Summer?
    It is hot in Summer.
  • What is the sixth month of the year?
    June is the sixth month of the year.
  • When is your birthday?
  • What day comes before Wednesday?
    Tuesday comes before Wednesday.
  • What are the months of the year?
  • What is the fifth day of the week?
    Friday is the fifth day of the week.
  • What is the first month of the year?
    January is the first month of the year.
  • What is the weather like in Spring?
    It is warm in Spring. It is sometimes rainy in Spring.