
PEMS Gr 3 Present Perfect Continuous

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  • I ____ _____ _______ (train) for this marathon since last year.
    have been training
  • The planes ____ ______ flying in circles. 
    have been
  • My uncle ____ _____ traveling around the US for six months.
    has been 
  • They ____ _____ _____ (cut) hair for 10 years. 
    have been cutting
  • _____ they been going to class?
  • _____ he been eating a lot?
  • _____ you been taking your medicine?
  • He ____ _____ _______  (climb) for a few hours. 
    has been climbing
  • I ____ _____ ______ (look) for my keys all day.
    have been looking
  • The woman ____ ______ _____ (learn) how to play for 3 months.
    has been learning
  • He ___ _____ _____ (study) for this test all week.
    has been studying
  • Jim ____ _____ _______ (play)  tennis since he was six. 
    has been playing
  • My friends ____ ______ _______ (build) a cabin in the mountains. 
    have been building
  • We ____ _____ _____ (wait) in the cold for an hour.
    have been waiting
  • The flowers _____ _____ blooming.
    have been
  • I ____ _____ _______ (work) in the garden all morning. 
    have been working
  • _____ the team been playing all day?
  • It ___ _______ ______ (rain) for days.
    has been raining
  • The birds ____ ______ chirping all morning.
    have been
  • The students ____ _____ _____ (meet) after school every day.
    have been meeting
  • She _____ _____ cancelling our meetings all week.
    has been
  • My friend ____ _____ _______(drink) a lot of coffee lately.
    has been drinking
  • The lights  _____ _____ _______ (go) on and off all evening. 
    have been going
  • _____ he been crying?
  • The doctor ____ _____ operating for 4 hours.
    has been
  • The birds _____ ______ flying around all summer.
    have been