
Living Things

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  • What part of the plant is missing?
    The roots are missing.
  • Which type of plant has a trunk?
    A tree has a trunk.
  • Where do turtles lay their eggs?
    Turtles lay their eggs in the sand.
  • Are reptiles cold-blooded or warm-blooded?
    Reptiles are cold-blooded. They cannot regulate their temperature.
  • What do plants need to live and grow?
    Plants need sunlight and water to live and grow.
  • Are reptiles vertebrates or invertebrates?
    Reptiles are vertebrates.
  • Are reptiles oviparous or viviparous?
    Reptiles are oviparous.
  • Sing and dance part or all of the flower song that we learned and choreographed:
  • What part of the plant is missing?
    The leaves are missing.
  • What part of the plant is missing?
    The fruit is missing.
  • What part of the plant is missing?
    The stem is missing.
  • The roots of a plant grow towards __________.
    The roots of a plant grow towards water.
  • Is a primrose a living thing? Give 2 reasons why:
    Yes, because it grows, reproduces, and dies.
  • Is a rock a living thing? Give 2 reasons why
    No, because it does not reproduce, grow, breathe, or move.
  • Have reptiles got scale, hair, or leaves?
    Reptiles have got scales.