
Present Continuous vs Present Simple

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  • Agus is into sport. She ..... (play) tennis every day.
  • I ....... (get up) early in the morning.
    get up
  • ..... you ..... (do) the homework before dinner?
    Do you do
  • Majo is in her bedroom. She .... (talk) to her friend on the phone.
    is talking
  • ..... Tomy and Enzo ...... (help) with the housework?
    Do Tomy and Enzo help
  • Thiago's mother ....(not work) at her office today. She's at the beach.
    isn't working
  • My uncle .....(not work) in a shop. He is a teacher.
    doesn't work
  • Lola and Agus ...... (not watch) TV for hours every day.
  • ..... Pauli ..... (take) notes from this book now?
    is Pauli taking
  • Thomas is in the park now. He ...... (play) football.
    is playing