
Optimise A2 Conditionals type 2

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  • It’s going to rain. That’s why I have this umbrella.
    If it wasn’t going to rain, I wouldn’t have this umbrella.
  • It’s raining. That’s why I’m not going to the beach.
    If it wasn’t raining, I would go to the beach.
  • There is no snow on the mountains.That’s why I’m not skiing.
    If there was snow on the mountains I’d go skiing.
  • There aren’t any sheep on the hill. That’s why we can’t see any.
    If there were any sheep on the hill, we’d see some.
  • It isn’t very windy today. That’s why we aren’t going sailing.
    If it was/were very windy today, we’d go sailing.
  • Our teacher doesn’t like the sun. That’s why we don’t have lessons outside.
    If our teacher liked the sun, we would have lessons outside.