
Passive Voice - Simple Past Tense

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  • Fill in the blanks. "All the dishes ... (wash) last night."
    were washed
  • What is the past participle of "choose"?
  • What is wrong in this sentence? The man was eaten the noodles. Mention the word(s) that should be erased and changed.
    was eaten (x), change to ate
  • Fill in the blanks. The letter ... (deliver) by the postman.
    was delivered
  • What is the past participle of "take"?
  • Is it active or passive sentence? The table was cleaned by the waitress.
  • Is it active or passive sentence? The librarian took some books from the library.
  • Change this sentence into passive. "My brother broke the flower vase last week."
    The flower vase was broken by my brother last week.
  • What is the agent in this sentence? My brother was introduced to all the family members by my grandpa.
    my grandpa
  • Make a question from this answer. Q: ...? A: The mummies were found in Egypt.
    Where were the mummies found?/What were found in Egypt?
  • Change this sentence into passive. "My sister bought a new laptop."
    A new laptop was bought by my sister.