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  • Can you spell your name?
  • How many seasons are there in a year?
  • How many months are there in a year?
  • How many days are there in a week?
  • Can you find 5 blue things in the classroom?
  • Do you prefer to eat pizza or sushi?
  • Can you remember all of your friends' name?
  • Can you describe one of your friend in the classroom?
  • Can you turn around 5 times?
  • Have you got any pet?
  • What was your the most enjoyable day in summer?
  • What is your favourite animal?
  • What is your favourite day and number?
  • Can you count until 20?
  • Did you read a book ? What was your favourite character?
  • Do you like reading books? What is your favourite book?
  • Tell a class a short story or tell your favourite day
  • Think you are in an imaginary place, where is it?
  • Think you have an imaginary dog, ( color, big / small, name )
  • Can you jump from the board to the door?
  • Can you remember your teachers' name? ( art, music, turkish, german)
  • What was your favourite ice cream that you ate in summer?
  • What is your favourite computer game?
  • Can you count to 20?
  • What do you like to do?