
Goldilocks and the three bears

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  • Goldilocks smell something yummy. What did she find?
    3 bowls of porridge
  • Do you think baby bear was sad when he saw his chair was broken?
    Yes he was
  • Did Goldilocks like the big bed?
    No it was too high
  • When Goldilocks arrived at the pretty cottage, what did she do next?
    She checked if anyone was home and went inside
  • When Goldilocks woke up what did she do?
    She shouted and ran all the way home
  • Who did the bears find in baby bears bed?
  • Which bowl did Goldilocks go for first?
    The biggest bowl
  • On her way to buy bread, what did she see in the forest?
    She saw smoke rising from a chimney of a pretty cottage
  • What sound did they hear coming from upstairs?
    Loud snores
  • While Goldilocks was alsleep who returned home?
    The three bears
  • Who did Goldilocks live with?
    She lived with her mother and father
  • When she climbed onto the second bed, what happened?
    She shouted,'I'm drowning', the bed was too deep
  • Goldilocks had to go to the village to get bread. What did her make ask her to promise?
    That she would go straight to the shop and back
  • Goldilocks tried the porridge from the small bowl - what did she think?
    The porridge was just right
  • Then Goldilocks found the smallest bed and it was ______________
    Just right! She fell fast asleep.
  • The big chair was too ________
  • Was the medium chair just right?
    No it was too soft.
  • Were are the bowls the same size?
    No it wasn't.
  • How many beds did Goldilocks find?
    3 beds
  • When she tried the smallest chair, what happened?
    The small chair was just right but then it broke!
  • After breaking the chair what did Goldilocks want to do?
    She was tired and wanted to sleep
  • Was Goldilocks an obedient little girl?
    No she was not
  • After eating the porridge she found 3 ____________.
  • Were the bears happy to see someone ate their porridge?
    No they were angry
  • When she ate the porridge from the medium bowl, what happened?
    She didnt enjoy the porridge it was too cold.