
Call Components: Cancel a Booking

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  • To cancel a booking and refund the fare amount, what do we enter in the Cancel Code field in CBOK?
    'R' for refund total
  • We do NOT need to offer to rebook for which cancellation reasons?
    Medical, death, and job loss
  • Where can we find the contact information for AON Affinity?
    Princess Answers
  • With whom do our guests file a claim if they are cancelling their booking and they have PVP?
    AON Affinity
  • From this screen, how do we back out and re-enter CBOK?
    Click the toggle from Query Mode 'On' to 'Off'
  • QBOK can also be used for comparing promotional prices. True or False?
  • In general, what is QBOK used for?
    To view the impact a change will have on a booking before actually making the change
  • We cancel the booking in QBOK. True or False?
    False - We cancel the booking in CBOK.
  • We should indicate that we have offered to rebook in the history notes. True or False?
  • From which mode do we view the cancellation fees prior to cancelling the booking?
    QBOK or query mode
  • What does the cancellation code 'R' mean?
    Refund due - When a guest wants to cancel without rebooking, we typically use R to issue a refund.
  • What does QBOK stand for?
    Query Booking