
US History A Unit 2 Review

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  • The Middle Passage is known as the most devastating part of Triangular Trade that developed between Gt. Britain and the colonies. True or False?
  • Under mercantilism, the colonies were expected to provide raw materials and markets for the 'mother country'. True or False?
  • This is defined as a split between European Christians. Glorious Revolution or the Protestant Reformation?
    Protestant Reformation
  • This was the first elected representative gov't in the colonies - began in Virginia. The House of Burgesses or the English Bill of Rights?
    The House of Burgesses
  • What did the Spanish gov't expect colonists who received land and labor in the encomienda system to do? Convert natives to Christianity or remove natives from the land?
    Convert Natives to Christianity
  • This document created a gov't limiting the king's power and declared the Parliament independent from the monarchy. The Magna Carta or the English Bill of Rights?
    English Bill of Rights
  • The Middle Passage was not part of the triangular trade system that developed between England and the colonies. True or False?
  • The established the idea that the king was subject to the law just as other citizens. House of Burgesses or Magna Carta
    Magna Carta
  • This was established to prevent potential lost profits for Great Britain by controlling colonial trade. Navigation Acts or Salutary Neglect
    Navigation Acts
  • The Algonquian natives had a tolerable relation with the French due to their trade relationship. True or False?
    True - also helped the Algonquian with weapons to fight the Iroquois
  • As part of the battle between European Protestants and Catholics, the Spanish Armada is considered an official was between Spain and England
  • The Chesapeake colonies (Middle Colonies) focused on religion rather that economics. True or False?
    False - New England (Northern)focused on religion
  • Which of the following was not the biggest cause of Native American deaths during the colonial era? European diseases or warfare with Europeans?
    Warfare with Europeans
  • Which of the following is true for both the Enlightenment and the Great Awakening? Based on reason or questioned traditional authority.
    Both questioned traditional authority
  • William of Orange and Mary take the English throne in what is known as the Glorious Revolution. True or False?
  • The primary economic interest of the French and Dutch colonists was fur trading. True or False?
  • Increased restrictions on slaves resulted from slave uprisings such as the Stono Rebellion. True or False?
  • This included limited terms of servitude in exchange for passage to the colonies as well as food and shelter. Slavery or Indentured Servitude
    Indentured Servitude
  • This movement stressed the importance of living by the Bible. The Glorious Revolution or the Great Awakening?
    Great Awakening
  • This is the first Spanish colonial settlement. St. Augustine or Santa Fe
    St. Augustine
  • This movement emphasized science and reason vs. superstition and faith. Enlightenment or Great Awakening?