
NKE to the death of Thuty IV

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  • Why did the god Amun rise in importance after the expulsion of the Hyksos?
    He was credited with guiding the pharaoh in military success over the Hyksos
  • Where is the Temple of Amun located?
  • What happened to Upper and Lower Egypt after the Hyksos were expelled?
    They were reunified
  • What benefits were gained in agriculture from the Hyksos?
    Olive and pomegranate trees, zebu cattle
  • Carved reliefs, records of military campaigns, dedication ceremonies etc. are?
    Monumental Inscriptions
  • What is one piece of written evidence about Hyksos occupation?
    Papyrus Sallier (British Museum) or Speos Artemidos inscription.
  • Name of the battle where Thutmose III won after a long siege?
  • Name of ancient Egyptian historian?
  • Did Pharaohs borrow or obliterate deeds of their predecessors?
  • Who said 'I gave you valour and victory over all lands...'
  • How did the army change in the NKE period?
    Went from local militia to a proper well trained army.
  • Name of the Hyksos capital in the Nile Delta
  • What are the two distinct geographical regions of Egypt?
    Kemet - Black Land) and Deshut (Red Land)
  • Who founded the royal tomb workers village at Deri el-Medina?
    Ahmose-Nefertari and her son, Amenhotep I
  • What activity did Seqenenre Tao II revive to enrage the Egyptians?
    Harpooning hippopotamuses. Egyptian god Apophis was part hippopotamus.
  • Name of three significant queens (not Hatty) in NKE?
    Tetisheri, Ahhotep II, Ahmose-Nefertari
  • What superior military technology was introduced by the Hyksos?
    bronze mailed armour
    All of these
    Horse drawn chariot
    Composite Bow
  • What was the purpose of monumental inscriptions?
    Maintain god-like status and a form of propaganda
    Show off their carving skills
    To show how powerful the Pharaoh was
    As a warning to invaders
  • Amun was sometimes depicted with the head of a?
    goose or ram
  • What title was granted to Ahmose-Nefertari for the first time?
    God's wife of Amun
  • Who was know as the Warrior Pharaoh?
    Thutmose II
    Thutmose I
    Thutmose III
    Thutmose IV
  • Name of the pharaoh who expelled the Hyksos
    Ahmose I
  • Who really developed the concept of oracles in NKE?