
Level 5 - Game 2

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  • When __________________, I stay at home
    it rains / snows
  • If you ________________ when it rains, you get wet.
    don't take an umbrella
  • When the waiter brings your lunch, ____________ 'thank you'
    you say
  • When he loses a football match, he _____________
    gets angry / sad
  • If you don't eat, you ____________
    get hungry
  • If you mix red and blue, __________________.
    you get purple
  • If the plant gets water, it _______________.
    grows up
  • If babies _____________, they cry
    are hungry
  • If she runs, ____________________.
    she gets tired
  • If you _____________, you get fat.
    eat a lot of... (food, sweats, candies...)