
English File Intermediate Units 4B-7B

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  • Liverpool ____________________ (win) 3–0 at half-time, but they lost the match 3–4.
    were winning
  • They knew / met their new coach for the first time this afternoon.He’s been trying to keep in touch / get in touch with Klaus all day.
    met get in touch
  • Complete the sentences with the correct form of can, could, or be able to: I _______________ swim when I was five. My dad taught me.
    could OR was able to
  • You’ll like Carla when you get to know / fall out with her. We’re surprised Tom and Anna have broken over / up. They seemed so happy.
    get to know broken up
  • It was so embarrassed / embarrassing when my mobile rang during the play.
  • They got a goal in the last minute, so they ____________ 3–3. Murray ____________ Federer in the final and won the gold medal.
    drew beat
  • If I pass the exam, __________________________________________________________________________
    I will celebrate with my friends
  • In football you ____________ by getting the ball across the goal line.
  • Can you understand me? If you can, just n_________ your head.If you’ve got very long f_________, does it make playing the piano easier?I cl_________ for so long at the end of the concert that my hands hurt.
    nod fingers clapped
  • Complete with the correct passive form - Not many letters ____________________ (send) these days as most people use email.
    are sent
  • I was very frightened / frightening when the door suddenly opened on its own.
  • correct the mistake: Does he use to wear a uniform to school when he was a child? ______________________________________
  • Maths and Art are my favourite s____________. A school where you live is a b_________ school.You have to r_____________ for your exams. He’s very honest and never ch________ in exams.
    subject boarding revise cheated
  • Complete the sentences with the second conditional What ____________________ (you do) if you ____________________ (find) some money in the street?
    would you do found
  • They were tired when they arrived. They _______________________ (not sleep) for 20 hours.
    hadn't slept
  • Complete the sentences with the correct form of can, could, or be able to:Would you like _______________ play a musical instrument?
    to be able to
  • Compete using the correct passive form - Too much money __________________ (spend) last year on personal expenses
    was spent
  • The door of a garden = g__________. A small road from the street to the door = p_________.Top part of the inside of a room = c__________. Where you have an open fire in your house = f_________.
    gate path ceiling fireplace
  • Complete the sentences with the first conditional If I ____________________ (see) her, I ____________________ (tell) her you’re looking for her.
    see will tell
  • Complete using the correct passive form - He ____________________ (tell) next week whether his job is in danger or not.
    will be told OR going to be told
  • If I were you, ____________________________________________________________________
    I would stay at home
  • We ____________________ (already / finish) washing up when Will offered to help.
    had already finished
  • Correct the mistakes - I use to play table tennis but I don’t anymore. ________________________________________________________
    I USED to
  • She can’t / mustn’t be out. There’s a light on.
  • Olga and I ____________________ (study) at Bristol University when we _____________________ (meet).
    were studying met
  • The p____________ was very complicated. I couldn’t understand it.I thought the s____________ was good, but not as good as the first film.
    plot sequel
  • Complete the sentences with the second conditionalIf she ____________________ (not have to) work so late, she ____________________ (go) to the gym.
    didn't have to would go
  • Complete the sentences with the first conditional - What ____________________ (you do) if it ____________________ (rain) tomorrow?
    will you do rains