
Thermal Energy

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  • Which two temperature scales have the same amount of change in temp?
    Kelvin and Celsius
  • Mode of heat transfer that does not require a medium
  • What is the benefit of having trapped air between two window panes?
    It acts as an insulator and keeps the heat from transferring.
  • when an object's temperature decreases, the particles speed up or slow down?
    slow down
  • when an object's temperature increases, the particles speed up or slow down?
    speed up
  • When particles speed up and the volume of an object increases this is called
    thermal contraction
  • Thermal energy naturally transfers from _____ matter to ______ matter
    hot to cold
  • What do we call bundles of energy that move through matter and empty space?
  • No more Kinetic energy can be removed from matter at
    absolute zero
  • Carries heat in the form of electromagnetic waves in space
  • when an object's temperature decreases, the particles are more or less dense?
    more dense
  • Mode of heat transfer that occurs in fluids but not in solids
  • Which change in degree is larger, Celsius or Fahrenheit?
  • when an object's temperature decreases, the particles rise or sink?
  • Land and sea breeze occurs due to which mode of transfer?-
  • when an object's temperature decreases, the particles expand or contract?
  • The more particles an object has at a given temperature
    The more thermal energy it has
  • Heat of the sun reaches us by which mode of transfer
  • what are the two factors that determine the thermal energy of a material?
    number of particles and temperature
  • The more particles a substance has at a given temp, the more _______ it has.
    thermal energy
  • Which is the highest temperature 100C, 100 F, or 100 K?
    100 C
  • What is the transfer of thermal energy by particles bumping into each other?
  • What is it called when energy is transferred by movement of a heated fluid?
  • Do larger things or smaller things heat up faster?
  • when an object's temperature increases, the particles rise or sink?
  • A measure of the average kinetic energy of particles is
  • when an object's temperature increases, the particles become more or less dense?
    less dense
  • when an object's temperature increases, the particles contract or expand?
  • Which one has a higher specific heat, sand or water?
  • What do we call the transfer of thermal energy from a warm object to a cool object?
  • A material that does not conduct heat well
    an insulator
  • what is being measured when we take the temperature of something?
    average kinetic energy of atoms