
Positions in a school

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  • What is it?
    It's a calculator
  • Is she a manager?
    Yes, she is.
  • How old is he?
    He's 21 years old
  • How old is she?
    She is 30 years old
  • How many books are there on the table?
    There are 5 books on the table.
  • Is it a stapler?
    No, it isn't. It's a map
  • What number is this?
    This is number thirty-eight
  • How old is she?
    She is 70 years old
  • Is there a paint brush in the picture?
    Yes, there are 2 paint brushes in the picture.
  • What is it?
    It's a pencil case
  • Is there a window in the classroom?
    No, there isn't
  • How many computers are there in the room?
    There are 8 computers in the room.
  • Please count from 1 to 20 as fast as you can!
  • Is this a globe?
    No, this isn't. It's a sheet of paper.
  • What's his job?
    He's an IT staff
  • How old is he?
    He is 100 years old