
Zero to third conditional question cards (B1-B2)

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  • What would you do if you discovered a friend had been insulting you behind your back?
    Second conditional answer
  • What would your life be like if you had been born in the UK?
    Mixed conditional answer
  • What would you have done differently in your life if you had known the consequences?
    Mixed conditional answer
  • What will happen if you don't study hard?
    First conditional answer (I will/won't)
  • What happens when water goes over 100 degrees Celsius?
    When water goes over 100⁰ C it boils.
  • What would your life be like if you had been born in the Middle Ages?
    Mixed conditional answer
  • Where would you live if you could choose a different country?
    Second conditional answer
  • What would your life be like if you had been born in the USA?
    Mixed conditional answer
  • What would your life be like if you had been born in France?
    Mixed conditional answer
  • What would your life be like if you had been born in China?
    Mixed conditional answer
  • What would your life be like if you had been born in 1940?
    Mixed conditional answer
  • What will you do as soon as the class finishes?
    First conditional answer
  • What would you tell people who don't believe in climate change?
    Second conditional answer
  • What would you do if COVID-19 disappeared?
    Second conditional answer
  • If you could marry a famous person, who would this person be?
    Second conditional answer
  • What would your life be like if you had been born in Russia?
    Mixed conditional answer
  • If you could go out on a date with a famous person, who would this person be?
    Second conditional answer
  • What would your parents do if you threw a party in your house?
    Second conditional answer (They would/They'd...)
  • What would your life be like if you were the opposite sex?
    Second conditional answer
  • What will happen if you don't take your dog for a walk?
    First conditional answer (It will/won't...)
  • What would your life be like if you had been born in the stone age?
    Mixed conditional answer
  • If you could bring a deceased celebrity or famous person back to life, who would this person be?
    Second conditional answer
  • What won't you ever do unless it's a life or death situation?
    First conditional answer
  • What happens when water goes below 0 degrees Celsius?
    When water goes below 0 degrees Celsius it freezes/starts freezing.
  • What will you do as soon as you get home?
    First conditional answer