
History - Module 2 & 1 Vocabulary

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  • Navigation Acts
    series of laws enacted by Parliament to tighten England's control of trade in American colonies (1651)
  • John Smith
    English Colonist who helped found the Jamestown Colony
  • Metacom
    Wampanoag chief also called King Phillip - led brutal war against colonists of Plymouth (1675)
  • Royal Colony
    Colony under direct control of the English monarch
  • What were the first three main colonies?
    Jamestown, Plymouth (Massachusetts), Pennsylvania
  • Puritans
    members of a group who wanted to eliminate traces of Roman Catholic rituals from the Church of England
  • Plymouth Colony
    Second permanent colony in North America
  • Headright System
    Virginia Co.'s policy of granting 50 acres of land to each settler who paid for their trip/someone else's to the new land
  • What caused most cultural differences between Native Americans?
    Climate and Geography
  • List 3 differences between Native communities
    Location, food, clothing, housing
  • Pequot War
    1637 conflict between colonists and Pequot nation
  • Sir Edmund Andros
    Governor of New England that angered many colonists by enforcing unpopular policies and ruling with an iron grip
  • Jamestown
    First permanent English colony in North America
  • Roger Williams
    Puritan separatist banished for preaching separation of church and state, tolerance, and Natives should be compensated for land. Founded Providence, RI
  • Columbian Exchange
    Transfer of goods, beginning with Columbus's voyage, of plants, animals and disease between Hemispheres (western and eastern)
  • Mercantilism
    economic system in which nations seek self-suficiency (colonies provide raw materials, mother country provides finished goods). More export.
  • Anne Huchinson
    Puritan leader who claimed relationship with God does not need guidance from ministers, people should act as HS leads. Banished to RI.
  • Hierarchy
    Social ordering by rank or class
  • What activities were Christopher Columbus's main goals in the new world?
    Search for GOLD, claims new LANDS for Spain, plant the CROSS (christianity)
  • List 3 similarities between Native communities.
    Religion, trade, social organization, importance of family (kinship)
  • Prince Henry
    Portuguese Prince known as "the Navigator" who sponsored voyages to explore the West of Africa in search of a route to Asia
  • Salutary Neglect
    English policy relaxing enforcement of regulations in return for colonist loyalty
  • Protestant Reform
    religious movement growing from the desire to reform the Roman Catholic Church, leading to the establishment of protestantism
  • Crusades
    Christian military expeditions to intended to drive Muslims from the Holy Land.
  • William Penn
    Quaker who founded the colony of Pennsylvania - example of self-governance, freedom and tolerance
  • Renaissance
    Period of European history (1400-1600) that brought renewed interest in art, study, individuality and innovation
  • Joint-stock companies
    a business which investors pool their wealth for a common purpose
  • Nathaniel Bacon
    Virginia colonist, led Bacon's Rebellion over protection from natives and representation in the House of Burgesses. Died of dysintery.
  • Bartolomé de las Casas
    Catholic priest and bishop that came to the new world and actively fought slavery and colonial abuse of indigenous people.
  • Indentured Servant
    Person contracted to work for another for a limited period of time, normally in return for travel expenses, sustanance, shelter, and sometimes land.
  • Treaty of Tordesillas
    1494 - Treaty which Spain and Portugal agreed to divide the lands of the Western Hemisphere between them