
Childhood Week Competition

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  • Mention 3 natural disasters.
    Lightning, vocanic eruption, flood, avalanche, tornado, hurricane, drought ...
  • Mention 3 board games.
    Cards, chess, Ludo, Twister, draughts, puzzles ...
  • What special classes do you have in the mornings?
    Drama, Literature, and P.E
  • Mention two ways to record history.
    Recording audios, filming, writing...
  • What are "false friends" in language? Provide an example.
    They are two words in different languages that look similar but have different meanings.
  • Why is Children's Day celebrated?
    It is celebrated to increase awareness on the rights and education of children every year.
  • How many layers does the Earth have? Mention them.
    4: Inner core, Outer core, Mantle, Crust.
  • Can birds speak?
    No. They can communicate, but they cannot speak.
  • Sing the Months of the Year song!
    January, February, March and April...
  • Where was COVID-19 first detected?
    In Wuhan, China.
  • Mention 4 olympic sports.
    Archery, athletics, basketball, football, hockey, weight lifting, judo, cycling, rowing, synchronised swimming, beach volleyball, etc...
  • Mention 3 Argentine presidents.
    Alberto Fernandez, Mauricio Macri, Cristina Fernandez, Nestor Kirchner, Eduardo Duhalde, Ramon Puerta, Fernando De la Rúa...
  • What do "reflectional, rotational and translational" refer to?
    They refer to types of symmetry.
  • What is the name of Messi's new team in France?
    Paris Saint-Germain
  • Mention 3 different languages.
    Spanish, English, Japanese, Portuguese, Latin, Quechua, etc...
  • What are "homonyms"?
    They are words that are spelled and pronounced the same way but have different meanings.
  • When did Northfield School Escobar open its doors for the first time?
    In the year 2009.
  • Sing the 7 Continents song!
    We are Asia, Afica, North and South America.....
  • Who are the heads of primary in NFS Puertos?
    Gabriela Pandiello, Mariana Gibson, Carolina Giusto.
  • Sing L-Gante's alphabet song!
  • How many students are there in 6th form in total?
    There are 71 students.
  • Who is younger: Caro, Sabri, Wanda or Jime?
    Wanda is younger.
  • How many medals has Argentina won in the Olympics?
    3 (Two bronze, one silver)
  • What is a mind map used for?
    It is used for taking notes, summarizing, identifying key words, organizing ideas, making connections ...