
CELS overall recap

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  • Why do we do case studies?
    To learn from them and see real life events of what we are studying.
  • What is the layer of the atmosphere that we live in?
  • What is anthropology?
    The study of human societies and cultures and their development.
  • What soil types are there?
    Soil, Clay, Loam
  • Why didn't our vertical garden work?
  • What is the waste hierarchy?
    Ways to get rid of waste - from a bad way, to the best way (not even having waste)
  • What is a hypothesis?
    A statement saying what you think will happen.
  • What is the E in the compass education tool?
  • In what layer of the atmosphere do airplanes fly?
  • What does CELS stand for?
    Community, Environment, Life-skills and Sustainability
  • What is a case study?
    A case study is a research method involving an up-close, in-depth, and detailed examination of a particular case - that we can learn from.
  • What is the S in the compass education tool?
  • Is rain part of the hydrosphere?
  • What is compost?
    Decayed organic material used as a plant fertilizer.
  • What is the biggest difference between freshwater and marine water?
  • We want to grow herbs in the garden. Why did all the others die?
    Too much sunlight
  • What is the lowest step of the waste hierarchy (the worst)?
  • What is brackish water?
    Water where freshwater mixes with water from the ocean.
  • What is the unit we use to measure how good the air is to breathe?
    Air Quality Index, ppm
  • What is vertical gardening?
    A vertical garden is a garden that grows upward (vertically) using a trellis or other support system, rather than on the ground (horizontally).
  • Why do we hoe in the garden?
    To loosen soil & weeds, to remove rocks
  • What is the lithosphere?
    The rigid outer part of the earth, consisting of the crust and upper mantle.
  • Define ecology.
    The branch of biology that deals with the relations of organisms to one another and to their physical surroundings.
  • What is your inorganic baby?
  • How do you write the method?
    Bulletpoint or numbers