
Y7 Review

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  • What is this?
    A row of columns.
  • Name 2 bad characteristics about algae.
    Can be toxic, can cover water and prevent oxygen - kill plants and animals
  • Which axis is indicated here? X or Y?
  • What is the definition of hydrosphere?
    All the waters on the earth's surface, such as lakes and seas, and sometimes including water over the earth's surface, such as clouds.
  • COVID-19 bonus question #3! Name 3 alternatives you should not use as toilet paper.
    Any 3 NOT
  • What is the most important way to distinguish between different water bodies? (Lakes, Rivers, Ocean, Dam, etc.)
  • Name 3 good characteristics of algae.
    Produces oxygen, base of aquatic food chain, remove nutrients and pollution from water, stabilize sediments.
  • What is another term for "eutrophication"?
    Algae Bloom
  • COVID-19 bonus question #2! Why should you not bother with toilet paper?
    Bum Gun, man. Bum Gun.
  • Is algae a plant or an animal?
  • What is the unit for the Y axis?
  • Is seaweed a plant or an animal?
    Neither. Algae.
  • What is the definition of Eutrophication?
    Excessive richness of nutrients in a lake or other body of water, which causes a dense growth of plant life and death of animals due to lack of oxygen.
  • COVID-19 bonus question #1! Why should you not buy everything from the shop and stock up for the next month?
    Some people can't afford to buy so much, and then there is nothing left for them when they go to the shops.
  • In the video where freshwater meets the ocean... where were they?
    Strait of Georgia, Pacific Ocean
  • How long should you store a banana for?
    2 days