
Day and Night

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  • When it is day, are we facing the sun or turned away from the sun?
    We are facing the sun.
  • When it is night, are we facing the sun or turned away from the sun?
    We are turned away from the sun.
  • Does the sun go around the Earth or does the Earth go around the sun?
    The Earth goes around the sun.
  • What are some things we see during the night?
  • What are some things we see during the day?
  • When do we brush our teeth? Day or Night?
  • What are some things we see during the day?
  • When do we nap?
  • What are some things we see during the night?
  • What travels around the Earth? (The moon, the sun, or both?)
    The moon.
  • When do we see owls?
  • When do we sleep? Day or night?
  • How many hours are in a day?
  • When do we go to school? Day or Night?
  • When do we see fireflies?
  • When do we see fireworks? Day or night?
  • How long does it take the moon to travel around the Earth?
    One month
  • What are some things we see during the night?
  • When do we eat breakfast? Day or night?
  • When do we see butterflies?
  • What are some things we see during the day?
  • When do we do homework? Day or Night?