
Bible Study Quiz

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  • Say any two memory verses learnt
    Memory verses
  • Identify 4 parts of the garments of the High Priest
    Tunic, blue robe, ephod, girdle, breastplate,mitre
  • Who couldn't be a Priest in the lineage of Aaron?
    Handicapped, disease or leper
  • What does not change even after we attain salvation?
    Our fleshly nature
  • What is the essence of holiness?
    To understand and do the will of God
  • What did Jesus teach about separation?
    Keep ourselves separated from evil, worship in Spirit and Truth and not ritualistic worship
  • Which garment represents that Jesus carries us on His shoulders?
    Onyx stones on the ephod
  • What are the two stones kept inside the breastplate of the High Priest? What do they mean?
    Urim and Thummin - revelation and truth, yes or no ..the will of God
  • What is the difference between a priest and a prophet?
    Priest is a mediator who intercedes on behalf of man.. prophet proclaims the will of God
  • What is the Greek word for church and it's meaning?
    Ecclesia ... Group of called out people
  • What are the similarities between Isaac and Jesus?
    Promised son, obeyed their fathers unto death
  • If priesthood is confirmed by anointing of oil, what does it symbolize for a NT believer?
    Anointing of the Holy Spirit is the guarantee of our inheritance in Christ
  • What are the fruits of separation?
    We who are in Christ will grow to the stature of Christ and become joint heirs with Him
  • Why should we avoid relationships with unbelievers and atheists?
    Not to lose our separation and take part in their sins
  • Who was anointed as the first Israelite High Priest?
  • What did Noah's ark symbolize?
    Salvation that God prepared of humanity
  • What does the golden bells and pomegranates on the blue robe represent?
    Gifts and fruit of the Holy Spirit
  • Which act of consecration symbolizes being born again by the Word of God ?
    Priest being brought to the Tabernacle to be washed with water and cleansed
  • What does the garments of the High Priest represent?
    The divine glory of Jesus Christ
  • What should a child of God do if he commits a sin knowingly or unknowingly?
    Should repent and cleanse himself with the Word of God, Holy Spirit and the blood of Jesus