
TAG Idioms! (GA)

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  • to be on the ball
    to be correct
  • go back to the drawing board
    to start something from the beginning because it's going to fail
  • to be in hot water
    to be in a difficult situation
  • to be all over the map
    to not be clear or certain
  • to pitch in
    to do your part in a team
  • "hit me up"
    to tell someone to contact you
  • to have your hands full
    to be very busy
  • "keep me in the loop"
    to give updates on a topic or issue
  • we'll cross that bridge when we get to it
    to not worry about a possible future problem at that moment.
  • to get the hang of it
    to become good at something
  • to beat around the bush
    to avoid talking about a certain topic
  • to blow off steam
    to do something to relax or feel relief
  • call it a day
    to stop working for the day
  • to cut to the chase
    to say what you want to say