
Life Adventures 5 Exam Revision

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  • Say the tag question: You can play the piano, __________? ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
    You can play the piano, CAN'T YOU?
  • PRESENT CONTINUOUS: _______ you _________ (come) to Johnny's party?
    ARE you COMING to Johnny's party?
  • What's the name of this?
  • Present Perfect: I have ________ (have) enough chicken, thank you.
    I have HAD enough chicken, thank you.
  • PASSIVE: The pencil ______________ (break) by accident.
    The pencil WAS BROKEN by accident.
  • What's this?
    It's a BULB.
  • FOR or SINCE: I have been playing basketball ______ three weeks now.
    I have been playing basketball FOR three weeks now.
  • Present Perfect: Laura ____________________ to London. (to be)
    Laura HAS BEEN to London.
  • PRESENT CONTINUOUS: ______ he _________ (make) rice for dinner?
    IS he MAKING rice for dinner?
  • Say the tag question: You were cooking dinner, ___________?
    You were cooking dinner, WEREN'T YOU?
  • What's this?
    It's a FRYING PAN.
  • There isn't _______ sugar left. ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ (a few / a little / many / much)
    There isn't MUCH sugar left.
  • PRESENT PERFECT: ________ you ________ (call) your mom yet?
    HAVE you CALLED your mom yet?
  • What's this?
    It's a SINK.
  • Say the tag question: You like chicken, _____________?
    You like chicken, don't you?
  • PRESENT CONTINUOUS: They _____________ (go) to Johnny's party tonight.
    They ARE GOING to Johnny's party tonight.