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  • 10. Where do dolphins live?
    They live in the ocean
  • 6. Are Sperm Whales toothed Whales?
    Yes, They are. They are examples of toothed Whales.
  • 7. Are Humpback Whales  toothed Whales?
    No, They aren't. They are baleen Whales.
  • 16. What are your favorite Whales? Why?
  • 13. What animals are mammals?
    Dogs, cats, bats, cow, whales, sheep,........
  • 5.How many kinds of whales do you know?
    There are 2 kinds of Whales. They are Toothed Whales and Baleen Whales
  • 3. Do whales lay eggs or give birth?
    They give birth because they are mammals.
  • 9. Are Grey Whales baleen Whales?
    Yes, they are
  • 11. Are whales mammals?
    Yes, they are
  • 14. Mammal animals means they ............................................
    have babies (calves), babies drink milk, breathe air, have fur, warm- blooded
  • 4. Are they big?
    4.Yes they are, Blue Whale are the biggest animals on the planet.
  • 2. Where do Killer Whales live?
    They live in the ocean/ sea
  • 15. Do you like Whales?
    Yes/ No
  • 8. Are Dolphins toothed Whales?
    Yes, they are
  • 12. What do calves eat/ drink?
    They drink milk
  • 1. Where do Blue Whales live?
    They live in the ocean