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  • Why is armadillo special?
    Because it is the only mammal with a shell.
  • Name some strange mammals from Australia.
    Kangaroos, Tasmanian devils, platypus
  • Does echidna have teeth?
  • Are eucalyptus leaves safe to eat?
    No, they are poisonous but not for koalas.
  • Is a platypus dangerous?
    Yes, males are venomous.
  • How much water do koalas drink?
    Barely any, they get their water from the leaves.
  • The slowest animal in the world is....
    a sloth
  • How much do koalas sleep?
    18-22 hours a day
  • What are the characteristics of a mammal?
    fur/hair, drinks mother's milk, creates its own body heat, has a backbone
  • What do koalas eat?
    eucalyptus leaves
  • A platypus is really good at ...
  • The most dangerous activity for a sloth is...