
Pre Inter 1A

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  • Past: / have a big breakfast today? What...?
    Did you have a big breakfast today? What did you eat?
  • Present: / go to bed early during the week? What time...?
    Do you go to bed early during the week? What time do you normally go to sleep?
  • Present: /drink a lot of coffee (or tea)? How many cups...?
    Do you drink a lot of coffee (or tea)? How many cups do you drink a day?
  • Past: / see a good film last week? What film ...?
    Did you see a good film last week? What film was it?
  • Past: /go somewhere nice on Saturday? Where...?
    Did you go somewhere nice on Saturday? Where did you go?
  • Present: / spend a long time on Facebook every day? How long...?
    Do you spend a long time on Facebook / Instagram every day? How long do you stay online?