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  • What is the synonym of "go on"?
    continue doing
  • What is the synonym of "take off your coat and hat."?
  • What is the synonym of "make someone feel happier"?
    cheer sb up
  • What is the synonym of "discover"?
    find out
  • What is the synonym of "ask for (a job) "?
    apply for
  • What is the synonym of "consider"?
    think sth over
  • What is the synonym of "
    Turn it off
  • What is the synonym of "put on smart clothes"?
    dress up
  • What is the synonym of "turned it down. "?
  • What is the synonym of "arrive"?
    turn up
  • What is the synonym of "go over"?
  • What is the synonym of " Put it down"?
    make a note
  • What is the synonym of "make progress"?
    get on
  • What is the synonym of "continue"?
    go on