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  • The 3 values of the ABC Group are:
    Tenacity, Integrity, Loyalty
  • Define the Law of Diminshing Returns.
    Beyond a certain threshold, human efficiency decreases, even becoming negative.
  • The Inverted U theory of performance describes the mixed effects of ____ and _____
    Performance and Pressure / Challenge
  • This person acts as a Supporter of General development and growth for others.
  • The Law of Schedule Slipping suggests that we should reduce___________ errors.
  • Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion. What is the name of that law?
    Parkinson's Law
  • What are the 3 secret ingredients to effective time management?
    Awareness, Arrangement, Adaptation
  • That law states that all interrupted work will be less effective than if completed continuously.
    Carlson's Law
  • This Law encourages us to always have a plan B.
    Murphy's Law: Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.
  • The Law of the Least Effort states that we should always start with the tasks that give us immediate satisfaction. True or False?