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  • How many clocks are there?
    there is one clock
  • Is there a window in the class?
    No, there isn't
  • How many books are there?
    There is one book
  • How many toys are there?
    there are two toys.
  • Is there a plant in the classroom?
    yes, there is
  • How many boards are there?
    There is one board.
  • Are four pencils on the tables?
    No, there aren't
  • How many windows are there?
    there are two windows
  • How many bags are there?
    there are 4 bags
  • How many cupboards are there?
    there is one cupboard
  • How many books are there?
    there are eleven books
  • How many pencils are there?
    there are six pencils
  • How many boards are there?
    there are two boards
  • Are five students in the classroom?
    No, there aren't
  • How many lamps are there?
    There are three lamps.
  • How many globes are there?
    there is one globe
  • Are there two apples in the classroom?
    No, there aren't
  • How many cupboards are there?
    there are two cupboards
  • How many tables are there?
    there are six tables.
  • Is there a book on the table?
    yes, there is