
English 2

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  • Did you have a cassette player when you were a kid? I sure did. I ________ have hundreds of cassettes.
    used to
  • You think life “in the old days” was a lot better than life nowadays. Mention three things that were much easier, less complicated, or less difficult.
  • Charlie was still in school ___ the 90s.
  • What do you remember from your ____?
  • Sandy _____ read when she was five years old.
  • -Where did Brenda _____ work? -She worked at UBV.
    use to
  • Modern devices make life a ____ , don’t they? a) little easier b) lot less easy
    little easier
  • I _____ drive a car when I was fifteen. I learned to drive when I was sixteen.
  • Ask a classmate about his / her childhood. Think of four or five questions to ask.
  • It’s ____ colder today than it was yesterday. a) a little more b) somewhat
  • What ____ you do now that you couldn’t do five years ago?
  • a) You like jazz? I didn’t know that. b) I ____ like it, but now I do.
    didn't use to
  • Were hula hoops a ____ in your country?
  • You think modern life is a lot better than life “in the old days.” Mention three things that are much easier, less complicated, or less difficult.
  • Watching old music videos brings _____ a lot of memories.
  • Life is ____ complicated than it used to be. a) a lot b) much more
    much more
  • Laptops are a lot ____ nowadays. a) less expensive b) more cheaper
    less expensive
  • I remember ____ that film when I was a kid.
  • Where did you grow ___?