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  • Protecting yourself on the internet using the Cyber 5 is…
    a must!
  • If someone writes something mean to you on the computer what should you do?
    Don’t write anything back.
  • Who should you ask before you download new material?
    a parent or guardian
  • What is the Cyber5?
    a set of rules to help you navigate the internet safely
  • What should you do if anyone sends you something or writes something about you on the computer that hurts your feelings?
    save a copy
  • What bad thing could happen if you click a Pop-Up Advertisement?
    You could download something that harms your computer.
  • Why do you have to be careful when using the internet?
    lots of strangers on the internet, lots of information on the internet, You aren’t always in control of how you navigate the internet.
  • What is an example of “personal information”?
    Name and Address, Telephone Number, Usernames and Passwords
  • How did Hedgehog break Rule Number One of the Cyber 5?
    He shares his password with Hippo.
  • How should you react if you find yourself on a website that makes you uncomfortable?
    Tell an adult.