
Working Her Way Around The World

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  • What is a noun?
    A noun is a naming word
  • What does a caption tell us?
    It tells us something about the photograph.
  • Is 'cowboy' a noun or a verb? Make a sentence with 'cowboy'. 
    A noun.
  • What is an illustration?
    A picture that is drawn by hand.
  • What 2 features does a photo-essay have?
    It has photographs and text.
  • What does compare mean?
    Show the way things are the same.
  • Is 'run' a verb or a noun? Use it in a sentence
    Both. I went for a run. I run very fast. 
  • What is a community?
    A place where people live, play and work.
  • What does contrast mean?
    Show the way things are different.
  • What is a photograph?
    A picture taken with a camera.
  • What is a verb?
    A verb is a doing word. An action.