
Perspectives Up-int Unit1 L2

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  • Change this sentence to the Past continuous: i ate a banana yeterday at 1 o'clock
    I was eating a banana yesterday at 1 o'clock
  • True or False: We use the present smple to talk about, habits, permanent states, and things that are generally true.
  • Finish the sentence: I (go) to the movies yesterday
    I went to the movies yesterday
  • True or false: We use the past continuous to talk about an unfinished action in the past
  • We have two types of verbs in English, regular and irregular. How do we make regular verbs into the past tense?
    We add -ed
  • Which form of the verb do we use for the past perfect? 1. Eat. 2. Ate. 3. Eaten
    3. Eaten
  • We use the Past Perfect Continuous to talk about an unfinished action that happened after another action in the past
    False: We use it for an unfinished action that was happening before another aciton in the past
  • We use the present continuous to talk about an actions that are not finished and that are happening now.
  • Make this sentence into the Past Perfect Continuous: I learned English for 5 years, then I met teacher Chris.
    I had been learning English for 5 years then I met teacher Chris
  • Answer the question: What were you doing at 7 o'clock last night?
    Must be in Past Continuous.
  • Make this sentence into the Past Perfect: You went to work by the time I woke up
    2 options: I had woken up by the time you went to work. Or: you had gone to work by the time I had woken up
  • Change this sentence to the Past Simple: I eat bananas everyday
    I ate bananas yesterday
  • Finish the sentence: I (learn) English since i was 8 years old.
    I have been learning English since i was 8 years old.
  • Which form of the verb do we use for the past simple: 1. Go. 2. Went. 3. Gone
    2. Went
  • True or False: We use the Past Perfect simple to show that one action happened before another action in the past
  • Which form of the verb do we use for Past Perfect Continuous: 1. had been go 2. Had been gone. 3. Had been going
    3. Had been going
  • True or False we use the past simple to talk about actions that happen every day
  • Use Past Perfect Simple to finish the sentence. Sally won gold in the Olympics because........
    She had trained really hard
  • Finish the sentence: By the time they (eat) dinner they were very tired.
    By the time they had eaten dinner they were very tired.
  • True or False: We use the present continuous to talk about finished actions
  • Finish the sentence: I (watch) movies every weekend.
    I watch movies every weekend
  • True or False: We use the past simple to talk about actions that are finished