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  • Can Tim buy a teddy bear for his sister? (Yes0
    Yes, Tim can buy one for his sister.
  • Did Wally's cousin go on a field trip last week? (Yes)
    Yes, Wally's cousin went on one last week.
  • Why did Paul put the sticker on the desk? ( he was bored)
    He put it on the desk because he was bored.
  • Who moved the table yesterday? (Pam)
    Pam moved it yesterday.
  • Where did Becky fing the strawberry? (in her book bag)
    She found it in her book bag.
  • Will Tim see the typhoon on TV? (Yes)
    Yes, he will see it on TV.
  • Why did Alice throw a boot at Tim? (he was teasing her)
    Alice threw one at Tim because he was teasing her.
  • Did the students break a rule during the game? (No)
    No, they didn't break one during the game.
  • Will Paul point at the star under the moon? (No)
    No, he won't point at it.