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  • Tell your friends how you were yesterday.
    I was tired yesterday.
  • Compare these animals.
  • Tell your friends how you are going to go to school.
    I'm going to go to school by car.
  • Complete with going to: We're ____________.
    We're going to the mall.
  • Compare the turtle with another animal using the word slow.
  • Tell your friends how you were yesterday.
    I was excited yesterday.
  • Tell your friends what they did yesterday using the word sing in the past.
    They sang yesterday.
  • Compare these fruits.
  • Compare these animals.
  • Tell your friends how you are going to go to Disney.
    I'm going to go to Disney by plane.
  • Tell your friends where you are going to go.
    I'm going to go to the park.
  • Tell your friends how you were yesterday.
    I was surprised yesterday.
  • Compare the cheetah with another animal using the word fast.
  • Tell your friends where you are going to go.
    I'm going to go to the hair salon
  • Tell your friends what she did yesterday using the word dance in the past.
    She danced yesterday.
  • Compare books and films.