
Revision Plus Teen 3 Mind Flow 3

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  • Collocation challenge: What's in common among these nouns?
    They are used with the verb GET
  • Odd one out: Don't bother me, Be too much, Can't stand the sight of.
    Don't bother me expresses LIKE, while the others express DISLIKE
  • "It's so hard work!". Is this sentence correct?
    No. It's SUCH a hard work.
  • What is something that you keep putting off doing?
  • Collocation challenge: What's in common among these nouns?
    They are used with the verb TAKE
  • "The tourist asked for help in order find his way around." Right or Wrong?
    No. in order TO
  • Match the meanings and the phobias: Aerophobia, Nomophobia and Acrophobia + Fear of heights, of planes and of being out of (phone) contact
    Acrophobia (fear of heights), Aerophobia (fear of planes) and Nomophobia (fear of being out of phone contact)
  • "Don't you know the answer?! It's such an obvious.". Is this sentence correct?
    No. It's SUCH and obvious ANSWER or It's SO obvious.
  • Finish the sentence...
    If + past perfect (had + participle past)
  • "In the past, people used to be more selective when taking photos." Can I substitute USED TO by WOULD on the sentence? Why (not)?
    No, because BE is a stative verb (habitual state in the past)
  • "The tourist decided to ask for help as he was lost." Right or Wrong?
  • What's the difference: Hold on to your dreams X Give up on them ?
    to keep sth X to let sth go
  • Use "manage to" or "could" to complete the sentences: It was really dark. JT ... to find the street, but he ... find my house.
    managed to / couldn't
  • Name 6 natural disasters
    Avalanche, tornado, volcanic eruption, earthquake, landslide, tsunami...
  • Use the phrase "I wouldn't be surprised if..." to speculate about the life in the future.
    I wouldn't be surprised if + simple past
  • Name 5 problems in big cities
    overpopulation, traffic jam / heavy traffic, pollution, violence, lack of public transport, flood...
  • Finish the sentence...
    won't / will