
Swimmy Unit 13 VOC

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  • rocks (n.)
    the dry and solid part of the Earth
  • sugar (n.)
    something sweet used to make food and drinks sweet
  • palm tree (n.)
    a tree that grows in how places and has a tall trunk with pointy leaves at the top
  • eel (n.)
    a long, thin, snake-like fish
  • sway v.
    to move slowly from side to side
  • seaweed (n.)
    a green, brown or dark reed plant that grows in the sea or very close to sea
  • shade (n.)
    area that is covered from sunlight, does not have direct light
  • sea anemone (n.)
    a soft, bright colored sea creature that looks like a flower and is a home to other sea creatures
  • thread (n.)
    another word for string, used for sewing
  • almost (adv.)
    nearly, or about
  • eat (adj.)
    more than enough of something, or less of enough of something