
Reading practice

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  • Before eraser, what did people use to erase writing?
    People used bread to erase writing.
  • Who invented modern eraser?
    Charles Goodyear invented modern eraser.
  • He tried many times, but ______
    He tried many times, but failed.
  • What did the Wright brothers try to do?
    The Wright brothers tried to fly (many times).
  • What did the Wright brothers invent?
    They invented a plane.
  • When did he invent modern eraser?
    Charles Goodyear invented modern eraser in 1839.
  • He tried to study English well and ______ .
    He tried to study English well and succeeded.
  • What do inventors need?
    Inventors need imagination.
  • When did they succeed?
    They succeeded in 1903.
  • He _______ to fly many times.
    He tried to fly many times.
  • Nobita ____ the test because he was lazy.
    Nobita failed the test because he was lazy.
  • I _______ study hard to make my dreams come true!
    I tried to study hard to make my dreams come true!
  • She tried and _______
    She tried and succeeded