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  • Fair and Fare 有什么不同?
    Fair 公正,fare 车费
  • 英语 (妻子的妈妈,丈夫应该叫她什么?)
    Mother-in-law 岳母
  • All teens must think wisely when ( ) money.
    spending. 所有少年们花钱的时候应该明知地思考。
  • 奖品被谁颁奖的英语叫什么?
    prizes were given away by......
  • 安慰奖的英语叫什么?
    consolation prizes
  • Give 3 adjectives to describe a teacher. 给一位老师的三个形容词
    strict, kind-hearted, lovely, caring, hardworking严格,善良,有爱,关心,勤劳
  • awake x ......... 醒着的反义词是什么?
    asleep 是睡着了
  • There are (much, many, more, most) different hobbies for you to choose from.
    many. 那里有许多不同的嗜好你可以做出选择。
  • What is the young of a cow? Called as......
    calf. (牛的幼儿叫什么?) 是小牛
  • 深,比较深, 最深 的英语叫什么?
    deep, deeper , deepest
  • teach 的 past tense 是什么?
  • catch x ........... (反义词)
    catch x miss 捉到 x 错过了
  • 什么地方可以进行clean-up activities?(三个地方)
    school compound, beach, playground 学校范围,海滩,游乐园
  • written, wrote, writer,write, writing 哪一个是作家和被写的意思?
    writer, written
  • John doesn't like (dance, to dance, dancing, dancer).
    to dance / dancing (John不喜欢跳舞)
  • 让沟渠的水顺场地流通 (英语解释)
    Let the drain water flows freely.
  • I was born (on, in, at) 2021
    in (我在2021年出生)
  • Wayne昨天忘记买单/结账。 (英语解释)
    Wayne forgot to pay for his bill yesterday.
  • On cloud nine (Idioms谚语)是什么意思?
  • Apple of one's eye (idioms谚语)是什么意思?
  • Kuala Lumpur is the ( ) of Malaysia.
    capital. (吉隆坡是马来西亚的首都)
  • major x ........ (反义词)
    major x minor 主要 x 次要 或者 严重 x 轻微
  • snorkelling 和 diving 有什么不同?
  • 请保持我们的学校清洁 (英语造句)只限4个字
    Keep our school clean.
  • football = ? 足球的同一个说法是什么?
  • a ( ) of toothpaste. 一支牙膏叫什么?
  • Best tourist attractions in Malaysia. (Name 3 places) 马来西亚最著名旅游胜地。
    Pulau Langkawi, Penang Hill, Genting Highlands, Cameron Highlands, Pulau Redang.
  • Make sure you choose a hobby that (excite, excites, excited, exciting) you.
    excites. (确保你选择让你开心的嗜好)
  • into 和 in(使用这些词做造句)
    Walk into the house走进屋子里。The toy is in the box 那个玩具在盒子里。
  • Too much online activities causes people to have (difficult, difficulty, difficulties) sleeping.
    difficulty. 进行太多的线上活动会导致我们面对失眠的问题。
  • 吃健康食物,避免生病 (什么谚语?)
    An apple a day keeps the doctor away