
Countable and Uncountable Food

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  • How _____ (many,much) apples are there in the basket?
  • What are countable nouns?
    Things or food that we can count
  • What quantifiers can you NOT use for uncountable nouns?
    A/An and Numbers
  • Name two quantifiers that are used for countable nouns.
    Many, Few/ A few, How many
  • Is flour countable or uncountable?
  • Are eggs a countable or uncountable noun?
  • Name two quantifiers that are used for uncountable nouns.
    Much, little/ a little, how much
  • We use MUCH for UNCOUNTABLE nouns and MANY for COUNTABLE nouns.
  • We need _____(how many?) ______ (singular or plural fruit)
    two oranges
  • What quantifiers CAN you use for countable nouns?
    A/An, The, Numbers, Some/Any
  • I'd like _______ orange juice, please. (a, an, any some)
  • Do you use a, an or some?
  • Is sugar a countable or uncountable noun?
    It is an uncountable noun
  • Is oil a countable or uncountable noun?
    Uncountable noun
  • What are uncountable nouns?
    Things we cannot count
  • Is cake a countable or uncountable noun?
    Countable noun
  • Is hamburger a countable or uncountable noun?
  • Is rice a countable or uncountable noun?
    Uncountable noun
  • Is milk a countable or uncountable noun?
    Uncountable noun
  • Are cookies a countable or uncountable noun?
  • Are sausages a countable or uncountable noun?