
Body parts and letters.

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  • Fill the missing letter: ....olcano.
  • Unscramble the letters to make the correct word: f/o/t/o
  • w is for ...
    w is for walk, water.
  • Do you have two arms?
    Yes, I do.
  • u is for ...
    u is for umbrella,up.
  • How many fingers do you have?
    I have ten fingers.
  • How many shoulders do you have?
    I have two shoulders.
  • How many toes do you have?
    I have ten toes.
  • Do you have one ears?
    No, I don't.
  • How many eyes do you have?
    I have tow eyes.
  • Spell the word: knee
    K-N-E-E ->KNEE
  • How many hands do you have?
    I have two hands.