
Wet Paint ORT

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  • Is the door safe inside the house? Why not?
    Because Floppy chased the cat and it went on the wet paint.
  • What had Dad done?
    He put an old door there.
  • What was our sight word today?
  • The wind ______.
  • What are these?
    These are dog paws. 
  • Where are they?
    They are outside. 
  • What was dad doing? What color?
    He was painting the door blue. 
  • What did Floppy put on the wet paint? How is Dad feeling?
    Floppy put his paws on the paint. Dad is angry.
  • What is this?
    This is paint. 
  • S____ the apple in half.
  • Why were Chip and Biff worried?
    Because the feathers would go on the wet paint.
  • What did Dad do?
    He painted the door again.
  • Where did Kipper put his hands?
    Kipper put his hands on the wet paint. 
  • What are these?
    These are feathers. 
  • What was the name of our story?
    Wet Paint
  • What did Chip and Biff do?
    They had a pillow fight.
  • Where are they?
    They are inside.